No Secrets Here

“I have a secret, I have a secret.”  Who remembers saying that/playing that game as a young child? I sure do, I can also remember it from some TV shows I watched(which I will not name as that dates me).  Secrecy is a perpetual state for some new moms.  New moms who are suffering from PPD or PPA often live in secrecy.  Why?  There are many reasons: unmet expectations, shame, guilt, etc…  Let’s dive in…..

We go into having a baby with high hopes. Whether from real life folks we know, social media, movies etc… But I would bet most moms after about a month realize “this is not what I expected.” It makes me chuckle as I think about the bestseller “What to Expect when You’re Expecting.”  So many moms then feel guilty that they are not enjoying it like they thought, they may resent the baby and miss their old life and yet they keep it quiet. They do not dare admit this to anyone. This is when PPD and PPA can just continue to spiral downward.

Admitting these things can make moms feel they are “unfit” or don’t deserve to be a mom. This is completely untrue. Admitting these feelings and that you are uncomfortable or do not like these feelings is a clear sign that you want things to be different. Admitting these feelings is your first step to healing. And sometimes saying it out loud to a loved one or a professional starts the journey.

There is no reason to hide this, no one can tell you how you feel, only you know. Admitting you need help is not a failure it is step one to success.  So do not suffer through in silence.  


Who are You?

