Change in Plans

This blog was supposed to be focused on anxiety and folks who are considered “Highly Sensitive People(HSP).”  Stay tuned for that one in August 2022.   The changes in our country a few weeks ago necessitated a shift in topic. Anyone of you who works with me knows that each session I have “my list” of things to potentially discuss.  I say potentially because I go where you lead. If we do not get to my list, great, that means you came to me with your own list and therefore adjustments are made to meet YOUR goals and be there for YOU.

The topic of this blog changed due to the recent overturn of Roe v Wade by the US Supreme Court. One of the guiding ethical responsibilities of the social work profession is self determination.  Self determination is the concept that individuals are qualified to make their own decisions about their lives. I want every client that walks in my door or logs onto a screen with me to feel that way(with the exception of harm to oneself or harm to someone else).  

Despite what you are hearing on the news or seeing on social media, I want you to know that I remain a safe space for you. I am here to meet you where you are and be an unbiased listener. I will always hold space for you.  Working with primarily the perinatal population, this topic directly impacts most everyone I see. I do advise for anyone that is experiencing great distress with this news to limit social media and news coverage. I also advise anyone that feels the distress to get your thoughts down on paper(or electronic tablet).  Getting those initial thoughts out often stimulates more thoughts and all those thoughts may help someone else also. 

What I want you to hear today is you feel what you feel. No one can ever tell you that you do not feel a certain way.  No matter what that is, know you can talk about that safely with me and that I will always listen in an unbiased way. 


Anxiety and the Highly Sensitive Person


Healthy Boundaries=Healthy Mind